Quench Their Thirst: Helping Birds and Animals Stay Hydrated in the Summer Heat

During the scorching summer months, birds and animals struggle to find fresh water. By simply putting out water for them, we can make a huge difference. It’s a small act of kindness that helps our feathered and furry friends stay hydrated and healthy.

Here’s how to:

1. Place Shallow Bowls in Shaded Areas: Set out shallow, sturdy bowls of water in cool, shaded spots so birds and animals can drink comfortably.

2. Change Water Regularly: Keep the water fresh by changing it daily. This helps prevent bacteria and algae from growing.

3. Add Pebbles or Sticks: Put some pebbles or sticks in the bowls to give smaller birds and insects a safe place to land and drink without falling in.

Let’s do our part to support wildlife this summer. A little effort goes a long way in keeping our local ecosystems thriving. Together, we can make a big impact!

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